Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Crossing the Jordan

This morning I read from Joshua about where the Israelites crossed the Jordan river and then my iTunes on shuffle started playing Chris Seidman's keynote from NCYM two years ago and he started talking about the same story. He brought up a good point. After the crossing of the Red Sea in Exodus, who would talk about the Jordan river parting? "That's like me talking about how God healed me of my sinus infection to someone who has been healed from cancer." The difference lies in the fact that the Jordan river happened to a new generation. When we experience God's movement in our lives, instead of reading about it in someone else's life all the sudden we want to tell everyone. The river didn't part until they got their feet wet. Faith takes you getting your feet wet. Understanding comes from reading and then doing, not reading and studying.

“I’m tired of reading about other people’s experiences with God, I want to have one.”
-Randy Harris

1 comment:

Sammie said...

bah. you're incredible.