Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some thoughts from today

I have discovered that I don't want China to change. I know that I'm too late. That much has changed already and that more change is inevitable. I walk around and I see girls holding hands with their girlfriends in such an innocent expression of friendship. It's totally unacceptable in America and yet I treasure it. I see the butt of a waddling toddler hanging out of his split pants and it brings me uncontrollable amusement every time. Already you can see the old blending with the new. An old man carries a basket of vegetables on his back as he is passed by honking taxis and motorcycles. The vegetable market that is spread out on blankets by my front door every morning is only a block away from a supermarket where all their goods and more can be found. I love the heartfelt hospitality of the Chinese people. They are unequaled in their efforts to make you feel welcome. As much as it grosses some people out, I appreciate that it's acceptable to spit in public. In a way, it brings a sense of freedom. There are less rules about many things, and many more about others. In America you could never ride three people to a motorcycle. But that sure is a way to LIVE! I think if all the world were like China I should hate it. But the beauty lies in the diversity. YHWH gave us so much to see and do that we can never experience it all, and that is what is so wonderful about trying new things and knowing that just around the corner is something even more incredible.


Ryan Russell said...

Great thoughts! Enjoy the culture...let it shape you...GO FIND GOD WHERE YOU ARE and come back and tell us all about "Who He is and what He's Doing" where you are!

Sammie said...

Yeah. Una and JoLee walked around chinatown holding hands, and I thought it was adorable. I'm ironically listening to The Last Resort RIGHT NOW, and I think it is so sad what Westerners have done to just about every culture in the world. :(